Handmade smiles for you!

Monday, 26 November 2012

Coffee Bean Cowl Knitting Pattern

Sometimes I don`t feel like following a pattern with schemes. I want to knit simple but nice looking ones which is easy to remember so I don`t have to check each stitch with the scheme. This pattern is just like that. I really enjoy knitting it. It looks like cable stitch but you don`t need a cable needle.  You can knit it, even if you are beginner.

The gauge is not very important with this pattern. The first and last 6 stitches will be knit on both right and wrong side. The pattern is made with multiple of 4+1 stitches. Depending on your yarn and needle you can cast on more or less. 
I used 4.00 mm needle while knitting my cowl.

k : knit
p : purl

yo : yarn over
k2tog : knit 2 stitches together

Cast on 49 stitches. 
Work in garter stitches for 5 ridges(10 rows). 
  1. (Right Side) k6, p1, (pass the third stitch on your left needle over the first two stitches, knit 1, yo, k1, p1)* , repeat * until you have 6 stitches left, k6
  2. (Wrong side) k7, (p3, k1)*, repeat * until you have 6 stitches, k6
  3. (Right Side ) k6, p1, (k3,p1)* , repeat * until you have 6 stitches, k6
  4. (Wrong Side)k7, (p3, k1)*, repeat * until you have 6 stitches, k6
Repeat these 4 rows until your piece measures 19`. If you want it longer, you can continue the pattern until desired length.

After the 2nd row of the pattern start working in garter stitches. On the 5th row of garter stitch we will make button holes. 

k6, yo, k2tog, (k7, yo, k2tog)* , repeat * to the end, k5

Work in garter stitch for 4 rows and cast off.

Enjoy knitting!


  1. Hi! I love this pattern, how many skeins of DK yarn do you need?

  2. It depends how long/wide you want to make your cowl or scarf.
    For the one I made, 1 skein(100gr) is enough. I think I had some leftover too.

  3. Thanks for the prompt reply! I think I'll make it the same size as yours, I have plenty of DK to use. I added you as a friend on Ravelry (I'm YasmineCherfi with the bowl of sweets picture) I'll be sure to share post some pics of the finished item; I've got plenty of exams this week so I can break up my revision with some knitting!

    Thanks again,

    xoxo Yasmine

  4. I am happy that you liked the pattern. It is fun and easy to knit :)

    looking forward to see your finished item :)

  5. My sister is very picky and I thought it would take days to find the right type of cowl for her but she chose this pattern. She really loved the brown one with two buttons on ravelry. I'm getting started now and add the finished cowl (or cowls probably since I'm thinking of making one for myself also) on ravelry once I'm finished. :)


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